Thursday, July 21, 2011

Happy Hour-- We don't care what time it is and trust us, this is the best entry yet.

A big thank you shout out to all of you who are concerned about us driving in the 110 degree weather. You know who you are. We left Colby (don't ask) Kansas at 7:30am this morning and headed out onto the wide open I-70 W to Boulder, Colorado was a beautiful morning and we decide we would give Bossypants another shot.  Bossypants + Tina Fey reading in her own voice + Sleep Deprivation + Driving through cornfields of Kansas = Hysterical Laughter.

Michelle had the first 2 hour driving shift today and and we were moving across Kansas laughing big belly laughs with our Greek sister, Tina.

All of a sudden,  I hear a panicked "Oh SHIT!!!" in the middle of "My Honeymoon or a Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again".
"What's wrong?" I respond, my heart beating wildly...

In this case, a picture really is worth a thousand words.

I'll let her tell you how her speed got up to was something with the cruise control (yes I tested the system on my shift and I can see how it happened). But my recommendation is not to listen to Tina Fey (in any form) while driving through rural Colorado.  Too much potential for getting pulled over at 96 MPH. (Betty, breathe.  It's okay.)

Editorial Comment from Michelle:  Some great co-pilot she is... she never saw the cop behind me OR that I was going 96mph.

Fast forward to the beautiful town of Boulder, Colorado.  Turns out that it's not so dog friendly on the Pearl Street Mall... so we grabbed lunch at Chipotle (neither of us will be eating that again for a while. 'nuff said.)  We decided Lucy might benefit from a good run at a dog park and the friendly FedEX driver (a bit too friendly if you know what I mean) told me how to get to a nice park...

Two words:  The Regulars.

Now in most dog parks, what you find is people, walking throughout the part, whilst their dogs romp around joyfully playing with other dogs.  Not here.  The Regulars were all assembled in a semi-circle sitting on chairs.  BTW I think Boulder went 99% for Obama (hence the progressive bent emanating from the semi-circle).

There was the guy with the Greenpeace t-shirt, communist insignia bag, white ankle socks with Dansko clogs (sorry Beth) giving a lecture on the history of the refugees in Palestine.

Then there was Troy, the Solar Panel Installation Specialist and when I say Solar Panel Specialist, what I really mean to say is, Specialist on every subject known to man and womankind.  You wanna know about that dog breed?  It's a Catahoula.  A combination of 14 different dog breeds that the Native Americans first bred on the reservation.  What?  You're thinking of taking Karate?  Excellent idea.  It will help to center your Chi and balance your aura, as well as teach you how to throw punches so that you can disable an attacker by using his own power against him.  I won't even go into the conversation on why the adopted Shitzhu had a slightly turned in hind leg.

Jeff came late from his lunch break with his Weimeraner, Sofie... There was the woman who was about to have knee replacement who brought her friend, Amy with the adopted dog with the hind leg issue.  Upon hearing the discussion about the knee replacement, Michelle leaned into me and said, "If you tell her, we'll be here for the next three hours."

 Suffice it to say, Lucy had fun...

So now it's Happy Hour-- Does it get much happier??

One puppy, two tennis balls, a few glasses of wine--  can you tell?


  1. MISS BEE! I can't believe you got pulled over for going almost 100!! You crazy! Drive safe, would you please?? Oh, and P.S. Danskos are awesome.

  2. I agree -- Danskos are awesome... but not with white ankle socks and the rest of the outfit he had on... Trust me.

  3. You should have told the cop you got a leg cramp from the 100 degree weather and the wine you were consuming made you more and more dehydrated. Works every time.

  4. Great narrative...Sister at her best zeroing in on exceptional conversations at the dog park. Lucy likes Danskos too - especially new ones. Now I'm assuming the "charming" CHP issued a ticket...too bad... "honking for teachers" sign might have worked in this case (fellow public servant).

  5. For those of you who do not know, the details on the REGULARS is not unusual. Irene is a human listenator
